Animal Healing
My Animal Frequency Healing template can support numerous symptoms such as , colic, pre and post surgery healing, deep wounds, dislocated joints, depression, anxiety, emotional stressors, behaviour issues, guiding home lost ones , trauma, infections, diseases, to name a few. This work supports the overall well being of the animal. I also work with animals that have passed or are about to. This has been deeply healing for owners and the animals.
In an distance animal healing session I connect with the animal telepathically and clairvoyantly. Discussing how the animal is feeling and anything they need to share. There energy system will be seen my me and I will begin working with whatever they need. There are various levels of being consciousness which is accessed with my unique template of Energy Frequency Healing and deeper levels of healing is accessible.
I email the owner the details of the healing session and have a brief follow up phone call. A session runs for 45 minutes.
See my testimonials for how this work has helped the animals.
Contact me to make an appointment . Consultation $90
Animal Healing Testimonials

Animal : Lewis
A 20-year old Hanoverian Gelding.
Before his first healing session, Lewis had been dealing with multiple health issues. He was always dull in the coat and drankand urinated excessively. Lewis was tested for Cushings, and we then treated him with Pergolide.
This further supressed his appetite and caused lethargy. He refused food for many months and I retired him to a paddock again.
For many months, we struggled with coughing, respiration and nasal discharge. Again his appetite was an enormous issue. We spent months on antibiotics and appetite stimulants. We had to keep him away from the herd as he was always bullied out of food.
It was like Lewis had given up. He seemed depressed, always standing under a tree, not interacting with other horses. He was clumsy with his hoofs and stumbled often.
After the healing session, these were the significant changes that have occurred.
His physical health and energy have lifted. He is engaging with people by choice, meeting them at the gate. He has stronger boundaries and now won’t share his feed. He is standing up for himself in the herd. He now plays and gallops and dances with the herd, no clumsy movement, which his carer has never seen him do in the 3 years his been with her.
He is behaving like a younger horse and doing fancy dressage movements on trail rides – his carer says he is a crack up. Feels like he can carry the load when being ridden and loves it. No more cough. No snot and increased appetite, just can’t fill him.
He has been keen to return to the herd for grazing and play. He loves rolling. So much more energy and a return to the saddle. He is standing up for himself and his boundaries.
Animal : Milo
Energy healing for animals is my new thing this week. I had a session by the lovely FiFi to get some closure after losing our puppy Milo, and it was amazing.
She does energy healing for people and animals. She asked Milo a bunch of questions I had as we lost him so quickly from the spider bite, I needed to know he was ok. I wanted to write a post about this so I wouldn’t forget these messages.
Milo told us it wasn’t our fault, that’s just the nature of life with things coming and going. He is in a sacred space surrounded by angels, and has the energy of pure love. When she connected to him to do the healing for us Milo showed as jumping up and down with joy to be with us again.
Milo said he loved every minute of life with us all. He wants to remind us to keep connecting to our hearts, as that’s where the joy is found. Trust your instincts and inner guidance, as they are leading you to 💜
The healing session was so lovely, and then I had a tidal wave of grief leave me. Today it feels like a weight has been lifted, and I can now talk about Milo with 💜 and not tears. That’s progress in my healing as I’ve been a mess. It was so lovely to hear from Milo, that little puppy made such an impact on us in a short time, we will always remember his lessons.

Animal : Oscar
Oscar was very relaxed both during and after your sessions with him and was a lot more like his old self in the following days. More zip and zing than we’d seen for a while and much happier in his skin and his interactions with us. Both George and I really appreciated the fact that you were able to connect with Oscar so quickly given how worried we were about him when he went downhill so rapidly.
Animal : Nikita
Fifi has been a wonderful support for my horse who suffered a serious recurring infection. She connected with my horse telepathically and helped to restore her energy and connection with her self. After she worked through the deeper levels to clear the infection, she sent me a detailed message outlining the healing and then phoned me to talk through the steps. My horse has made a remarkable recovery to date.

Animal : Missy
I contacted Fifi after learning that my little dog Missy had lymphoma and probably had only a month or so to live. Missy had come from an abusive past and I wanted her to feel at peace when her time came to leave. Missy had a few sessions with Fifi and I felt Missy was calmer and happier after each session. When Missy died she seemed very peaceful and ready to go, and I think Missy’s sessions with Fifi could well have assisted Missy with moving on peacefully from the world. Through contacting Fifi I felt I had done something to help Missy, and I was really happy to be able to do that.

Animal : Madiba
I really hope you can help me to help my cats find peace in our household. I just want them to be happy and get along
Thank you again for your work. I just wanted to provide you with a quick update. As I mentioned on the telephone, after your work was completed Madiba walked towards me and I picked him up and we cuddled for ages. His purr was the loudest I’ve ever heard. This of itself is out of character for him. In addition, since then his behaviour around the other cats has been significantly different. I’ve even seen him play fighting and he’s standing his ground a lot more. I’m thoroughly enjoying having a more confident cat.
Thank you again!
He’s going great. He’s standing up for himself and paying more attention to me. I’m getting more purrs and cuddles. The change in him is noticeable and significant.
Animal : Lucy
“Lucy has had treatments for constipation, lethargic, swollen lymph nodes, fluid in back legs, stiffness in hips out of wack and flat in herself and eye infection. Lucy would like another session to continue the work she has been having. The vet rang today and her lymphatic system is all good with nothing nasty present (yeah ) and I told her that she is all good so we thought that we would not have to follow up on the thyroid stuff just yet thanks to your work. So if you could do more work on the thyroid area if needed to make sure that is all good that would be good. Lucy had 2 surgeries to remove lumps on her body. They were mast cells and kept coming back. Also has inflammation of spine and hips. After first treatment: Lucy is brighter in her eyes, moving more freely and huge difference in whole temperament Lucy is much better after her treatment on Friday thanks. Hopefully she’ll have less toxins/gunk in her when you do today’s session. After next treatment Lucy has a spring in her step and we have found no more lumps, a happy dog.

Companion : Shelley USA
Fifi did this amazing healing at the RDA centre. A horse they were wondering about. Fifi brought forward the message that he wants
out of his pain filled body. She new nothing about this horse or that they had been thinking about his life ending. This was a piece of
work I will never forget. The gift to the center the staff and the clients who were there to witness this miracle.
Thank you Fifi you are a gifted horse whisperer.
Animal : Oscar
“Oscar came for healing after suffering two physical traumas: A punctured testicle after getting beaten up by the neighbour’s Great Dane which ended up with him being desexed . An operation for a bowel obstruction which left him fighting for Survival for a week. Both accidents happened within 12 months of each other and after them, Oscar didn’t have his usual joie de vivre. He seemed quiet and withdrawn and his eyes didn’t sparkle like they usually did. After 2 treatments, Oscar was much more like his usually bouncy self. His eyes were noticeably brighter, and he seemed more at one with the life when we went on our daily walks. We had a massive thunderstorm here a while back and I noticed that Oscar was a lot more relaxed about it. Usually he’s trying to crawl under the couch, my bed or anything to hide himself, and he didn’t do that at all which was great.” Oscar has had yet another trip to the vet this weekend. This time with some sort of poisoning. We think it may have been a sea hare which are very prevalent here on the beaches during summer. It is very late in the season for them and I’m always very careful about looking for them on the beach. Anyway – the symptoms are similar to strychnine poisoning, so the poor little fella while being bright enough in himself was suffering uncontrollable trembling and fitting (neuro-toxicity). The vet had him on an IV drip for a day or so, he had diazapan to calm the tremors and when he got agitated, she whacked a dose of barbituates into him as well. Even heavily sedated he was quite distressed and howled when I went to visit him. He is home now, but very slow and still a bit wobbly on his legs. The vet on call this morning said that the only potential long term effect could be liver damage. If you could please do another session with him, I’d be most grateful. The poor little bloke has been through the wars in the last 18 months but you have certainly helped him get over the worst of it. And I’m sure you can help him this time around as well. After treatment Oscars legs had stopped wobbling and he was more himself and had a sparkle in his eye and bouncy. There was a lot of toxins removed from his system and work done on healing his nervous system and releasing any trauma the body was holding. Oscar is doing very well – it was amazing how quickly he perked up after he came home and had those two sessions with you. His whole demeanour changed and he is once again a very happy, energetic dog. His god parents saw him after the first session you had with him and they remarked on how fit, healthy and at one with the universe he was. Not bad for a pooch who had a 50% chance of survival only four days prior! Your work is truly amazing … Now all we need to work on is how to keep him out of trouble and away from the vet!

Animal : Hamish
Hamish has had treatments with Fifi over the past year for varying issues. Here is a few of them.
Hamish had developed the habit of jumping up on people and mouthing their arms, which could be seen as trying to bite people. After 1 treatment the behaviour stopped and had 1 more and he was more calm and listened to commands and he no longer jumps and mouths people which his carers are very happy about.
Hamish also had pre and post surgery treatments for the removal of lumps on his hind legs. He has in the past had issues and not positive results when anesthetized. All went smoothly with the surgery and Hamish recovered without any trauma or infection, which he had been prone to.
This was request for post surgery treatment.
Hamish needs a session. He has popped three stitches and the surgery wound has not healed so he has a gaping hole in the middle of the incision area. We had him back to the vets yesterday so they could check it out and they said not to worry too much about it but he is uncomfortable and does not like that it oozes and he feels that he has to lick/clean up any areas of ooze – which he does not – so I think this is causing him some pain and certainly some uncomfortableness (if that is a real word!!!) and I (as usual) am paranoid about it getting infected and then making him sick yata, yata, yata – so if you could do your thing with him and encourage some fast healing that would be great – otherwise he is really good – really grounded and present .
Hamish had treatment for stomoch spasms and being very flat and unwell.He is normally living life at 110%, wobble on his feet having trouble walking.
Day after treatment Hamish was back to 110% functioning.He went into a deep sleep after treatment.
Animal : Burleigh
The two main issues that Burleigh is dealing with at the moment are the arthritis in his front right leg and the high levels of anxiety that he experiences while on lead outside the home environment. This anxiety often progresses to aggression. These are our two target concerns. After his first treatment Burleigh has been quieter, responding better to training and lead work. Not barking and running at the door when he hears someone. The neighbours asked if he has been away as they hadn’t heard him barking at the mailman. The next treatment is to follow up on his issues. Result from second treatment are…. Things seem to be progressing well with Burleigh. He seems a lot calmer and is becoming more manageable on walks. Was in kennels for a few days and owners said he was very calm and behaved, no stress in new environment. Burleigh’s 3rd treatment.. Hi Fifi Things seem to be going really well with Burleigh. He seems a lot more calm and peaceful. On his walk he is still getting a little anxious but he seems to be coming out of his panicked state a lot quicker. They also seemed to have lessened in intensity which is making him a much nicer dog to walk. We would like you to do another treatment with Burleigh. Thanks heaps for your great work. After next treatment.. Big breakthrough, Burleigh made it to the front door and just sat there and wagged his tail when a friend visited. She got from the gate across the property to front door without Burleigh having any reaction. Also saw specialist for degenerative condition in right front leg for arthritis. His right leg hadn’t gotten any worse, so didn’t need Cartrophen injection. His spine and back legs a lot better. Told to keep doing whatever we had been doing Burleigh is also now instigating play with other family dog, he never did this. He would wait for the other dog to say let’s play.
Hi Fifi, Well you are a miracle worker as Burleigh has been like a different dog since Tuesday. He has wanted to play ball, hang out with the rest of the family and go for short walks. He does not seem depressed at all and is spending hardly any time in bed. We are really happy with the results. As promised here is a little bit of detail about the injury he sustained. In early July we were staying at a pet friendly house in Brisbane. Unfortunately, Burleigh was running around in the backyard and fell down a deep hole. We knew straight away he had sustained a serious injury because his right rear leg was just hanging .When we took him to the vet we were told that he had dislocated his hip. The hip joint was out of the socket by several centimetres. The vet then put him under and put the hip back into place. The vet did warn us that this procedure isn’t always successful and they were right. The hip came out the following day. So Burleigh went back to the vets and had the same procedure all over again to put the hip back in place. Unfortunately as we were leaving the vets, the hip came out a third time and it was decided that he should have surgery. Which he did the following week. In the operation, they cut the ball off the hip joint and placed it back in the socket and scar tissue forms around the hip joint and holds it in place. The vet said that most dogs that have this surgery are back to normal and running around within a month. Unfortunately, for Burleigh this has not been the case. Hence the reason he has been a sad little man until last Tuesday after your session with him. I look forward to having you work with him on Tuesday.

Animal : Lenny
I am writing to you to say thank you for all the work that you did with Lenny the Wonder Horse. As you will recall previous to your treatment he was not a happy camper in fact he had been described as being nasty. We knew that this was not his fault and this was not who he truly was. There were times when he was lovely but as a result of mistreatment from previous owners he certainly had a lot of hang ups. I was unable to go into the stable with him without him putting his ears back and lunging at me – let alone trying to change his rugs in there. He was unreliable at shows and quite frankly he was petrified. I recall one show where I could feel his heart beating through the saddle he was that frightened. He would buck and sometimes rear whenever he got a fright at shows. This was so bad that my instructor Pippa Glynn rode him for the last show season. Sometimes this behaviour started even before we got him to a show. When we first got him he would strike out when leading him into the float and was a nervous horse to float. He was difficult to catch and did not want any attention from me or most other humans. He did not like to be touched and always appeared to be on the defensive with us.
When I read your ad in Horsedeals I knew straight away that your treatment was something that we should try (at this stage anything was worth a try!!). I knew that emotionally he was highly strung and I could do things to change his environment but I knew that there was not much I could to help him with this thinking, fears and being brave. I had him on a Manners powder (daily) and this helped in that he did settle enough to be able to handle him safely especially in the stable.
We noticed a change with him following his first treatment with you. He appeared to be calmer and was starting to let down his emotional barriers especially when being touched. After the second and third treatment it was like we had a different horse living with us. He was becoming more cuddly and most importantly he seemed to be happier within himself. By the time he had completed his last treatment he has become a horse that enjoys human contact and one that is easy to manage in the stable (no more lunging at us or kicking at us when we are doing his rugs). He is no longer on Manners and is a delight to have around the stable. I never would have though that he would be a horse that enjoys human contact. He now freely comes up to us in the paddock for a pat and a cuddle. I look forward to the show season next year when I can get him out and see how much he has improved.
We thankyou sincerely for all your advice, strategies and the intuitive work that you did with Lenny (and with us). Most of all we thank you for helping Lenny – he is now a horse that who is truly happy in his own skin. I now look forward to having Lenny out next show season.
After my moment of stress yesterday I went home and as is usual practice these days we redressed Lenny’s leg. When we took the bandage off we were truly amazed at the change in the wound. For the first time it was not weepy, it did not bleed and it actually looked like it was starting to heal!!!!
Your work is amazing – the difference between Tuesday and Wednesday is mind blowing – and this is all following your work – because it actually looked worse after the struggle we had with him on Tuesday. You are right that I have to trust Lenny and let him work out what he needs! After your intervention he has certainly worked out how to heal himself very quickly. It looked so clean and healthy and not gorey at all (as it looked even with all the interventions and treatments).
I went inside and I was going to ring you to let you know but it was 10pm your time and I was not sure if it was too late to call you. You are amazing – thanks for helping Lenny.
Animal : Wilbur, Chocolate and Caramel
Wilbur,a much adored Corgi cross joined our family after being found abandoned in a national park. During the initial weeks of adjustment we would daily come home to a path of destruction, items removed from bookshelves or wardrobes chewed then littered through the house. Arriving home meant being met with a stressed and whimpering puppy, suffering separation anxiety rooted in his having been abandoned or lost by his previous owner.
We approached animal intervention with some skepticism but a nothing to lose attitude and have been astounded at the results. Fifi responded promptly to our enquiry and arranged a one hour distance intervention a few days following. Following his session Wilbur was much more relaxed, in our case we choose a second healing session at Fifi’s suggestion as she uncovered deep anxiety in him related to his earlier abandonment. We continue to be met at the door by Wilbur but now have a companion simply keen to play ball, go for a walk or cuddle on the sofa with Game of Thrones, and no longer is our bookshelf scattered and half chewed across the dining room floor.
Concurrently Fifi also ran healing sessions for each of our two more mature and dignified half main-coon cats. Chocolate &Caramel had also been abandoned as kittens and retain some mild anxiety issues. This was much acerbated when Wilbur moved in, with both our boys being distant, refusing to join us on the couch the way the previously had and in the case of Caramel, at one point running away from home leaving us anxious for his safety! Fifi connected with them each separately and was able to heal their anxiety and assure them they remained treasured part of our family. Since their sessions they have returned to old selves. No longer terrified of Wilbur they also join us on the couch for latest GOT installment.
Initially,we were apprehensive of the effectiveness of a less scientifically proven approach,however the result has been outstanding and brought much relief and harmony to our home. Our vet had suggested a pet psychologist at a much inflated cost that we doubt would have been able to achieve the same results.We have no hesitation in recommending.

Animals Disclosure
I believe that our own ability to heal is innate within ourselves. I believe this innate ability to heal also includes all animals. My work using energy frequency techniques and working with the energy consciousness around the animal’s body is done and will assist your animal’s process of bringing itself back into alignment within itself.
I will be able to remove blocks in your animal’s energetic system and assist it in becoming more integrated in its own being. I communicate telepathically with the animal and also ask its permission to do the healing.
I do only what is asked of me by the client, so it is in your hands as to what you feel you wish to address in a session. At all times the healing process is an organic unfolding of the energy that is transmitted in the session with your animal.
I am not aware of any risks or negative side effects of this treatment.
I make no promises other than what is outlined above.
Every animal’s process is unique to itself and their own life journey. I am there to support your animal back to its original state of being fully integrated in its energetic system.