Soul Retrieval

Soul retrieval is a spiritual practice of reintegration of the soul fragments into the persons body, that had left the body to seek safety in alternate realities in response to various traumatic events. Soul Retrieval is done to heal soul loss and recover ones true self, by the Shamanic Practitioner.

Symptoms Of Soul Loss Include:

  • Feeling incomplete
  • Have an inner void
  • Suicidal tendencies
  • PTSS
  • Feeling a loss of connection with oneself
  • Being disappointed in oneself
  • Loss of enthusiasm
  • Lack of self confidence
  • Chronic anxiety
  • Inability to move forward and make positive changes in life
  • Problems with the immune system
  • Dysfunctional relationships
  • Addictions
  • Loss of memory inability to remember parts of life.

After the completion of a soul retrieval process, the client is also able to receive the skills, knowledge,strengths and abilities that were taken by the soul fragment.
After the soul retrieval session the client needs to actively work on healing there soul. The effects of a soul retrieval session may vary.
After a soul retrieval session a person may immediately feel a sense of fullness and surge of energy in there body. Sometimes it may take several months to fully experience the benefits of a Soul Retrieval session.

Benefits Of A Soul Retrieval Session Can Be:

  • Gaining clarity in life
  • Feeling a sense of purpose
  • Gaining new perspective
  • Feeling more connected to higher self
  • Grater ability to make right decision for oneself
  • Feeling hopeful
  • Greater ability to deal with negative emotions
  • Finding sense and purpose in life
  • Greater ability to let go of bad experiences
  • Overall better health
  • Feeling more alive.

After making your appointment for a Soul Retrieval with Fifi Some things to Take care if for your well-being.

Client must not take drugs or alcohol before the session and refrain from using for as long as possible.

Schedule time for the session and clear time to self care afterwards as it can be intensely emotional experience take time to reflect and embrace.

Trust your instincts when choosing a Shamanic Practitioner.

Let people know you are making some significant changes.

Set your intentions for the Soul Retrieval. I am calling back pieces of my soul to be integrated. I want to be whole, _______________________ in the universe.

After effects of a Soul Retrieval can be : Headaches, nightmares, Feeling emotional, feeling calm, content, peaceful, a renewed sense of being, process of integration.

Consulation: $130

I work outside in nature when doing a soul retrieval session at my practice and also remotely via distance healing, having phone contact with you at the time

I had no idea what to expect going in to the soul retrieval process, but the results have been literally life changing. Fifi guided me through the whole process wonderfully and now my anger issues and anxiety are almost completely gone – for the first time in my life. My wife and kids are the true winners as I can now be the husband and father I should have always been. Thanks Fifi for this absolute gift.

– Craig, Sydney

Soul Retrieval Healing Disclosure

In working with you in the Soul Retrieval Practice, I will be using my gifts and experience to journey into the non ordinary realms and work with what I am guided to there on your behalf. This work involves lying down in my practice room on a sacred space I have created for this work Or also I work remotely via distance healing.

This work can bring back energy that was lost and with it comes feelings, physical sensations, memories and more of your own essence and life-force. It can bring with it strong feelings, which may be experienced in the session as well as physical sensations. This requires the client continue to work after the session by integrating the energy into their life and nurturing it. Welcoming more of themselves home and having a support system to move through any trauma or unprocessed experience that returns and needs to be fully processed.

These discussions will be kept confidential except:

a) If and to the extent authorised by yourself.

b) As required for my professional supervision where your name remains anonymous, and only to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of the supervision.

c) When disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to yourself or others.

d) As required by law.

e) If I am a defendant in a civil, criminal or disciplinary action arising from the client relationship (in which case client confidences may only be disclosed in the course if that action).

At your written request or approval, and according to my capabilities, and in good conscience, and professional judgment that I may I consult with your other healers, therapists, physicians and spiritual teachers as appropriate to maximize the benefits to yourself.

I am not a physician and therefore do not diagnose disease or prescribe drugs. At all times your healing is your responsibility. I am available to be your partner in this process, your committed listener, and your mirror. I do not advise you to discontinue any medical treatment you may be receiving. My work is intended to be in harmony with any other healing work that you undertake, including traditional medicine.